My son is almost 18 months. I keep thinking, where has the time gone? I remember just like yesterday when he was born. 9 lbs 14 ounces... yes a big baby but I love him to pieces. He was also 21.5 inches long. And he's even taller now at 18 months. His birth was a difficult one. He was twisted and so we waited as long as possible to see if he would move and he did a full 180 degree turn but I still pushed away. The doctors had to use the vacuum on him for the longest while. It took forever for the swelling to go away. It was a long and difficult labor. After having the pain medication in the hip, laughing gas and 2 bags of epidural meds, he was finally born, yet I still had quite a bit of pain. It was a long, difficult recovery but so far so good.
Would I do it all over again??? Honestly, I'm not quite sure I am ready.